The Ralé of Telejournalism

the problem of “amateur journalist” in Brazil and journalistic authority


  • Aline Grupillo Chagas Reis University of Beira Interior



Amateur journalist, ralé, professional regulation, journalistic authority


Although are indispensable to telejournalism, camera operators constitute a group of legally relegated agents in the hierarchy of news production. Their role as “ralé” is related to the activity they perform, considered "technical" and manual, reflecting the lack of academic credentials for professional practice. Its consequence is the permanence of the camera operators in the zone of conflict between the laws that regulate the Brazilian radio broadcasters and journalists. Therefore, the term "amateur journalist" is used in this article to designate the academically non-certified cameramen in order to put the following question: How the performance of this
agents expose the limits of journalistic authority? We analyzed 15 interviews, taking oral history as a main methodology.

Author Biography

Aline Grupillo Chagas Reis, University of Beira Interior

Aline Grupillo é jornalista, Mestre em Comunicação pela Universidade Federal Fluminense e doutoranda na Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal).


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How to Cite

Chagas Reis, A. G. (2019). The Ralé of Telejournalism: the problem of “amateur journalist” in Brazil and journalistic authority. Compolítica, 9(2), 113–140.