The presidential candidates in the 2014 electoral race

Dilma Rousseff and Aécio Neves’ strategies on Facebook


  • Aiane de Oliveira Vieira Federal University of São Carlos



cybercampaings, electoral campaigns, social media


This article aims to identify why political parties and candidates use social media websites as a campaign tool and the main persuasive strategies they use to convince the electorate. In order to reach this goal, it was analyzed Aécio Neves’ (PSDB) and Dilma Rousseff’s (PT) official fan pages on Facebook during the 2014 presidential race. It is believed that candidates used social media websites as an extension to their campaigns on TV and radio in order to promote the campaign and their personal images. Through a content analysis, it was analyzed all the content posted between July 6th and October 26th, 2014. The results highlights that candidates use social network as a tool for self-promotion.

Author Biography

Aiane de Oliveira Vieira, Federal University of São Carlos

Doutoranda em Ciência Política (UFSCar), Mestre em Ciência (UFG), Mestre em Comunicação (College of New Rochelle, NY, EUA) e Bacharel em Relações Internacionais (PUC-GO).


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How to Cite

Vieira, A. de O. (2019). The presidential candidates in the 2014 electoral race: Dilma Rousseff and Aécio Neves’ strategies on Facebook. Compolítica, 9(2), 65–92.