Hegemonic crisis, the rise of the far right and political parallelism
TV Globo and TV Record in the 2018 presidential elections
elections, television news, hegemony, political parallelismAbstract
This article analyzes election coverage of the two main candidates (Jair Bolsonaro and Fernando Haddad) by the two largest television networks (TV Globo and TV Record) during the 2018 presidential election in Brazil. The study is based on a content analysis of 27 days of coverage by the newscasts Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Record, in the first and second rounds. The main hypothesis is that news coverage by the two networks would uncover evidence of a new form of political parallelism in Brazil, characterized by a stronger alignment between TV Record and candidate Jair Bolsonaro. The results present evidence of a pro-Bolsonaro bias in Jornal da Record, even though the differences between the two TV networks are not significant in the second round of the election. Concludes that the 2018 presidential election expresses a deeper hegemonic crisis, characterized by important shifts in the role historically played by TV Globo in Brazilian politics.
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