Information and Communication Technologies, Activism and Social Movements
a critical review of the Brazilian literature (2010-2017) from the perspective of the field of social movement
Information and Communication Technologies, social movements, activismAbstract
Significant changes in organization and/or contentious social mobilization processes related to the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have occurred in the last decade, encouraging research efforts to identify these changes. This paper seeks to analyze the Brazilian literature on ICTs from the perspective of social movement studies. In other words, it seeks to analyze if/how this literature dialogues with studies that have traditionally had organization and mobilization processes as their central investigation objects. To answer these questions, this paper is grounded on a systematic analysis of the recent Brazilian academic literature (2010-2017). This study identifies several fragilities in this literature, especially an oversight of existing knowledge in social movement studies. We conclude this paper with suggestions that seek to overcome this disarticulation and to contribute to the construction of a field of empirical and theoretical research on the relations between ICTs and organization and mobilization processes in Brazil.
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