The political responsability of journalism in covering conflicts

Interview with Xavier Giró Martí


  • Tayane Aidar Abib Unesp/Doutoranda



Comunicação para a Paz, Jornalismo para a Paz, Cobertura de Conflitos


Professor of the Department of Media, Communication and Culture at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Xavier Giró Martí has ​​a professional career marked by critical thinking about political responsibility in the journalistic field. Specialist in Discourse Analysis, with a doctoral thesis awarded by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia, in 1999, on the construction of Spanish nationalism and identity in the press, Giró is director of the research group Observatori de la Cobertura de Conflictes, based at UAB, and vice coordinator of the institution's Master in Communication on Armed Conflict, Peace and Social Movements since 2010.
A reference in Communication Studies for a Culture of Peace, Xavier Giró is also dedicated to training and consulting practices for the media and journalists on topics of international cooperation and solidarity, migratory flows and conflict transformation from a non-professional media activity.
In this interview, held in his office at the Faculty of Communication of UAB, in December 2019, Giró reflects on the fundamentals of peace-oriented journalistic coverage.


GIRÓ, Xavier. Modos híbridos y complejos de informar sobre cooperación. Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social “Disertaciones”, 10(1), p. 84-107, 2017. Doi:

GIRÓ, Xavier. Periodismo político. Discursos y grietas: La lógica de los actores, los límites de los medios y las metas periodísticas. In: CAMACHO, Idoia (Org). La especialización en Periodismo. Formarse para informar. Comunicación Social Ediciones y Publicaciones, p.75-95, 2010.

GIRÓ, Xavier. Enfoques analíticos críticos sobre el discurso de la cobertura informativa de conflictos. In: TELLESCHI, Tiziano (Org). Espacio y tiempo en la Globalización. Una visión de la transparencia en la información. Pisa, Italia: Sinaloa, 2007.



How to Cite

Abib, T. A. (2020). The political responsability of journalism in covering conflicts: Interview with Xavier Giró Martí. Compolítica, 10(2), 193–204.