What is spent on campaigning in Brazilian capitals?

A study on the 2020 electoral dispute


  • Afonso Ferreira Verner Federal University of Paraná




Keywords: election campaign, Brazilian capitals, municipal election, campaign spending, election 2020;


The 2020 Brazilian municipal elections were held in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and this circumstance caused a series of changes to be imposed on the way of campaigning, including the postponement of the electoral calendar. The objective of this article is to understand patterns in the types of campaign spending declared by mayoral candidates who contested the command of the 26 Brazilian state capitals in 2020. The question that drives this article is: are there differences in the expenditures that types of candidates make during the campaign? The research uses a quantitative methodology and gathers data from the accounts of all mayoral candidates who had their candidacies approved, forming a corpus of 304 candidates. The data point to the maintenance of offline campaign mechanisms. Thus, the research concludes that there is a pattern in the campaigns in Brazilian capitals represented by spending on traditional mechanisms (radio, TV and printed material), while spending on online campaign tools represented small slices of the expenses of the disputes.

Author Biography

Afonso Ferreira Verner, Federal University of Paraná

Afonso Verner é graduado em Jornalismo pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG) e Mestre em Jornalismo pela mesma instituição, o autor cursa doutorado na Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) e pesquisa campanhas eleitorais, além de ser docente da Unicesumar. E-mail: afonsoverner@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Verner, A. F. (2022). What is spent on campaigning in Brazilian capitals? A study on the 2020 electoral dispute. Compolítica, 11(3), 29–54. https://doi.org/10.21878/compolitica.2021.11.3.560