Intersectional oppressions and resistances of housework in Brazil from communication and gender studies
Communication, feminisms, housework, domestic workersAbstract
The work "Communication, Gender and HouseWork: from colonial reiterations to the invention of other possible ones" is a collection of fourteen texts by researchers from the areas of Communication, Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology, as well as domestic workers who debate the situation of domestic work in different analysis frameworks. The reading of the work offers a complex and problematizing lens towards the understanding of the phenomenon of paid and unpaid housework in the Amazon and Brazil based on studies on the processes of mediatization, representations and media coverage, symbolic-discursive dimension of the senses, the theories of black, decolonial, intersectional feminisms and the oppressions and social inequalities crossed by race, gender, class and territoriality.
Keywords: Communication, feminisms, housework, domestic workers
CAL, Danila; BRITO, Rosaly. Comunicação, Gênero e Trabalho doméstico: das reiterações coloniais à invenção de outros possíveis. Curitiba: Editora CRV, 2020.
Referências Bibliográficas
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GANDRA, Alana. Pesquisa revela que 19 milhões passaram fome no Brasil no fim de 2020. Agência Brasil, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso: 11 de fevereiro de 2022.
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