Dilemmas of public communication of local legislatives
less professionalization, personalization and transmission of sessions from the institutions' Facebook
Comunicação Pública; Legislativos Municipais; Facebook.Abstract
The article aims to discuss perspectives of public communication by the legislatures of Paraná through the analysis of the dynamics of the institutional accounts on the Facebook. We seek to show the relationship between the professionalization of the use of social networks, including several indicators, for example, the intensity of use of the platform chosen for analysis, with aspects of the content published in the respective accounts. The research focuses on the local legislatures of Paraná and was based on the systematic observation during 60 days of posts made by 130 of the 499 Municipal Parliaments. It results 3831 posts coded from the Content Analysis. The results show the Parliaments tend to have low use of the social network and have an unprofessionalized communication. However, even when there is little information available, there are mostly session broadcasts, strengthening transparency and participation. On the other hand, more intense use is associated with more presence of councilors, indicating greater personalization of pages.
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