deliberation and its moments in divided societies
review of Deliberation across Deeply Divided Societies: Transformative Moments (STEINER et al., 2017)
Deliberation, Divided Societies, Deliberative Transformative Moments, Storytelling, HumorAbstract
The book "Deliberation across Deeply Divided Societies: Transformative Moments", by the Swiss researcher Jürg Steiner, in partnership with the researchers Maria Clara Jaramillo, Rousiley Maia and Simona Mameli, faces an important question of Deliberative Theory: is it possible to deliberate in societies and contexts of deep divisions? To answer this, the authors analyze the deliberation in groups from three different contexts, all of them having in common situations of extreme violence: a) ex-guerrillas and ex-paramilitaries in Colombia; b) Serbs and Bosnians in Bosnia and Herzegovina; c) police and residents of favelas in Brazil. In addition to showing that, indeed, even citizens involved in deep conflicts are able to achieve mutual understanding, Steiner and colleagues include in the analysis elements that go beyond argumentative exchanges, such as life stories, emotion and humor, as well as the role of leaders and spoilers. Another merit of the book is the methodological approach, which is concerned with context and seeks to capture the flow of discussion, not just isolated speech.
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STEINER, Jürg; JARAMILLO, Maria Clara; MAIA, Rousiley C.M; MAMELI, Simona. Deliberation across Deeply Divided Societies: Transformative Moments. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
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